Science and Nature

The Brain with David Eagleman

Neuroscientist David Eagleman explores the human brain in an epic series that reveals the ultimate story of us, why we feel and think the things we do. This ambitious project blends science with innovative visual effects and compelling personal stories, and addresses some big questions. By understanding the human brain, we can come close to understanding humanity.

Who will we Be?

54m 41s

Dr. David Eagleman journeys into the future and asks what’s next for the human brain, and for our species. He reveals that in the future our descendants may be so different to us that we will be strangers to them.


  • Who will we Be?: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Who will we Be?

    S1 E6 - 54m 41s

    Dr. David Eagleman journeys into the future and asks what’s next for the human brain, and for our species. He reveals that in the future our descendants may be so different to us that we will be strangers to them.

  • Why Do I Need You?: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Why Do I Need You?

    S1 E5 - 55m 11s

    Dr. David Eagleman explores how the brain relies on other brains to thrive and survive. This neural interdependence underpins our need to group together, and our ability to do the very best and the very worst of things to each other.

  • How Do I Decide?: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    How Do I Decide?

    S1 E4 - 55m 11s

    Dr. David Eagleman takes a journey through the unseen world of decisions and how they get made inside your brain. Your emotions, your energy level, and your memories all come together in concert to help you neural networks decide what to do next.

  • Who Is in Control?: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Who Is in Control?

    S1 E3 - 55m 11s

    Dr. David Eagleman explores the great deception that greets us each morning when we awake: it feels as though we are in conscious control of our lives but the truth is that we are not. Instead almost every action, every decision, every belief that we hold is driven by parts of the brain that we have no access to.

  • What Makes Me?: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    What Makes Me?

    S1 E2 - 55m 11s

    Dr. David Eagleman explores memory as an important pillar of self, and reveals that rather than being a faithful record of our past, memory is fallible and often unreliable, making our life of memories more personal mythology than digital recording.

  • What is Reality?: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    What is Reality?

    S1 E1 - 55m 11s

    Dr. David Eagleman takes viewers on an extraordinary journey, exploring how the brain, locked in silence and darkness without direct access to the world, conjures the rich and beautiful world we all take for granted.

Extras + Features

  • Episode 2 | Inside a Child's Brain: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Episode 2 | Inside a Child's Brain

    S1 E2 - 1m 59s

    A typical 2-year-old is building 2 million new connections every second, but after the age of two this growth is halted, and a process of pruning begins. The process of becoming someone is about pruning back the brain’s connections.

  • Episode 2 | Your Job Can Reshape Your Brain: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Episode 2 | Your Job Can Reshape Your Brain

    S1 E2 - 2m 19s

    The brains of London taxi drivers were tracked before, during and after their training, and results showed that a part of their brain had grown. The adult brain isn’t fixed. Its networks can reconfigure themselves according to our experiences and our environment.

  • Episode 2 | Stuck in the Present: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Episode 2 | Stuck in the Present

    S1 E2 - 2m 41s

    Henry Molaison couldn't form new memories. His case reveals something important about the brain’s ability to think into the future. Both the past, and the future are constructions of the same networks in the brain.

  • Episode 1 | Brain City: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Episode 1 | Brain City

    S1 E1 - 1m 53s

    In the same way that the economy of a city doesn’t take place in one district, there is no single spot in the brain that works in isolation. The brain is a vast interconnected network of areas that are in constant communication with each other.

  • All Is Not as It Seems: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    All Is Not as It Seems

    S1 E1 - 1m 7s

    David explains how the brain is tricked by the checker shadow illusion. What we see doesn’t necessarily match on to the reality beyond our senses.

  • Episode 1 | Our Perception of Reality: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Episode 1 | Our Perception of Reality

    S1 E1 - 2m 18s

    David invites subjects to recreate an experiment that demonstrates how much our brains leave out of our perception of reality. One brief look is enough for the brain to model a picture of the situation but just how detailed it that model?

  • Episode 1 | How the Brain Creates Reality: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Episode 1 | How the Brain Creates Reality

    S1 E1 - 2m 42s

    Electrochemical signals travel through dense networks of neurons. The brain scans through this non-stop incoming stream of information in search for patterns which becomes your reality.

  • Episode 1 | Messing with Reality: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Episode 1 | Messing with Reality

    S1 E1 - 4m 37s

    David Eagleman experiences a new visual reality – with nauseating consequences. He experiences the enormous effort his brain goes to construct the world around him.

  • Episode 2 | Born Unfinished: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Episode 2 | Born Unfinished

    S1 E2 - 2m 3s

    Many newborn animals are born ready for the world, compared to human babies who are born helpless. The unfinished brains of young humans allows them to develop and adapt to whichever environments they are born into.

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