You can share your appreciation for WETA's high-quality broadcasts, education and outreach services in many ways.

Thank you for your continued support!

Corporate duo Photo by Christina @

Corporate Matchmaking

Some companies double or even triple employee's contributions to WETA, as well as the gifts of retirees, spouses, surviving spouses and outside directors!

Calendar with yellow highlighter - monthly giving

Monthly Giving

Enjoy the convenience of an automatic gift to WETA on your credit card.

You can give online or call us at 703-998-2724. 

Car outine and shadow

Vehicle Donation

Get a tax donation when you donate your car, boat, motorcycle, truck or other vehicle to WETA.

We'll even schedule free pick-up service at a time that's convenient for you.

WETA Volunteer talks to guests at an event.

Volunteer at WETA

WETA volunteers give generously of their time, helping in a variety ways from answering phones during pledge drives to welcoming guests to events.

Legal document signing

Legacy Gifts

Many supporters have chosen to include WETA in their estate plans.

Consider remembering WETA in your will, trust or estate planning.

Tribute roses

Tributes and Memorial Gifts

Make a contribution in memory (memorial gift) of a friend or loved one, or a gift in honor/tribute to someone ("in honor of a friend's birthday," for example).

Set up a gift online or give us a call at 703-998-2724.

Giving Stock to WETA

Giving Stock to WETA

Stock or mutual funds that have been held longer than one year and have appreciated in value may be donated to WETA and may provide you with tax savings.