Who will we Be?
S1 E6 - 54m 41s
Dr. David Eagleman journeys into the future and asks what’s next for the human brain, and for our species. He reveals that in the future our descendants may be so different to us that we will be strangers to them.
Why Do I Need You?
S1 E5 - 55m 11s
Dr. David Eagleman explores how the brain relies on other brains to thrive and survive. This neural interdependence underpins our need to group together, and our ability to do the very best and the very worst of things to each other.
How Do I Decide?
S1 E4 - 55m 11s
Dr. David Eagleman takes a journey through the unseen world of decisions and how they get made inside your brain. Your emotions, your energy level, and your memories all come together in concert to help you neural networks decide what to do next.
Who Is in Control?
S1 E3 - 55m 11s
Dr. David Eagleman explores the great deception that greets us each morning when we awake: it feels as though we are in conscious control of our lives but the truth is that we are not. Instead almost every action, every decision, every belief that we hold is driven by parts of the brain that we have no access to.
What Makes Me?
S1 E2 - 55m 11s
Dr. David Eagleman explores memory as an important pillar of self, and reveals that rather than being a faithful record of our past, memory is fallible and often unreliable, making our life of memories more personal mythology than digital recording.
What is Reality?
S1 E1 - 55m 11s
Dr. David Eagleman takes viewers on an extraordinary journey, exploring how the brain, locked in silence and darkness without direct access to the world, conjures the rich and beautiful world we all take for granted.
Extras + Features
Episode 4 | The Iowa Gambling Task
S1 E4 - 3m 33s
The Iowa Gambling Task is a way to witness a "gut" decision or a "hunch" as it forms unconsciously before a conscious decision is made.
How Do I Decide? | Preview
S1 E4 - 30s
Explore how the brain navigates the myriad of conscious and unconscious decisions we make daily.
Episode 3 | Steered by the Unconscious
S1 E3 - 2m 41s
In this experiment men were asked to look at photographs of women’s faces and make judgments about them. They had no conscious awareness of what was influencing their answers.
Episode 3 | David Takes on a World Champion
S1 E3 - 4m 6s
Austin Naber is a world-record holder in cup stacking. He practices 3-4 hours every day. How will David fare against him? EEG helmets capture the differences in their brain activity, and reveal a deeper truth about why so much of what the brain does is unconscious.
Who is in Control? | Preview
S1 E3 - 30s
Explore the great deception that greets us each morning when we awake: it feels as though we are in conscious control of our lives but the truth is that we are not.
Episode 3 | Different People, Different Paths
S1 E3 - 2m 1s
Why are there differences between us? Why is it that we behave differently when faced with the same choices? A confluence of our genes and the environment we are born into send each of us off on very different life trajectories.
Episode 3 | The Role of Consciousness
S1 E3 - 2m 40s
David describes some situations where the unconscious brain is making decisions on our behalf. So why are we conscious? David enlists the help of a man dressed as a bee to point out one of its important roles.
Episode 3 | Ian Waterman’s Inspiring Story
S1 E3 - 2m 13s
Ian Waterman has lost the ability to control his body without exerting extraordinary conscious effort. Ian’s condition reminds us of the amazing reach of the unconscious brain.
Episode 3 | What If We Have No Free Will?
S1 E3 - 2m 34s
What if we have no free will? What if we are just systems that move from one state to another in a predictable fashion? Using a tank of ping pong balls, David demonstrates why we don’t need to worry.
Episode 2 | Stressed Teens
S1 E2 - 3m 16s
An experiment in a shop window demonstrates why teens feel far more self-conscious than adults in the same situation. The activity in the teenager’s medial prefrontal cortex plays an important role in how young adults perceive themselves.
Episode 2 | Inside a Child's Brain
S1 E2 - 1m 59s
A typical 2-year-old is building 2 million new connections every second, but after the age of two this growth is halted, and a process of pruning begins. The process of becoming someone is about pruning back the brain’s connections.
Episode 2 | Your Job Can Reshape Your Brain
S1 E2 - 2m 19s
The brains of London taxi drivers were tracked before, during and after their training, and results showed that a part of their brain had grown. The adult brain isn’t fixed. Its networks can reconfigure themselves according to our experiences and our environment.
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