Indie Films

Muslim Youth Voices

Muslim Youth Voices presents stories that convey the richness and diversity of Muslim Americans. Over the course of three summers, 44 youth from 6 cities were given the essential tools to tell their own stories on their own terms. The workshops resulted in short films, amplifying these young people’s voices, and illuminating the many identities and experiences of youth and Muslim life in America.

In Search of Home

2m 40s

In a sparse Staten Island apartment, a young Muslim American man struggles with feelings of loneliness. Looking for connection, he finds an Islamic Center located a ferry ride away. Where he once prayed alone, he now prays with others in community.


  • In Search of Home: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    In Search of Home

    S1 E32 - 2m 40s

    In a sparse Staten Island apartment, a young Muslim American man struggles with feelings of loneliness. Looking for connection, he finds an Islamic Center located a ferry ride away. Where he once prayed alone, he now prays with others in community.

  • Inside Out: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Inside Out

    S1 E31 - 1m 59s

    Grocery shopping can be stressful. This film lets us into the inner monologue of one young woman’s anxiety as she braves the aisles of a store where she encounters other customers and a less-than-helpful clerk in her quest to pick up a few things — and get out of there.

  • Run: asset-mezzanine-16x9


    S1 E30 - 1m 8s

    In this documentary, the filmmaker shares why he needs to run — and it’s not just for the exercise. For him, running is a matter of mind over body. When he runs, he can overcome pain and push himself to accomplish more than he could have imagined.

  • The Apple: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    The Apple

    S1 E29 - 2m 37s

    A red apple waits in a grocery store to be picked. The big day finally comes when it is purchased, bagged, and brought to a home. Told from the point of view of the apple, this film shares the inner monologue of a fruit that just wants to fulfill its purpose in life as a healthy snack.

  • The Crossover: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    The Crossover

    S1 E28 - 3m 42s

    On the basketball court, a boy trash talks his opponent. When he can’t seem to score a point, he become increasingly frustrated and quits. With the help of his older brother, he learns a lesson in humility, hard work, and the true value of playing sports with others.

  • Food For Thought: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Food For Thought

    S1 E27 - 2m 32s

    As he eats his boring bagged lunch from home, Rizky feels that something’s not quite right with the new school lunches served to other students. In this tale of high school politics, nefarious plans, and zombies, Rizky saves the day with an unlikely weapon.

  • Trust or Bust: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Trust or Bust

    S1 E26 - 1m 55s

    What happens when a teenager asks a parent if he can go out at night with his friends and the parent says no? What if the parent says yes? This film explores the outcomes of both scenarios and the importance of trust in a parent-child relationship.

  • Twins: asset-mezzanine-16x9


    S1 E25 - 3m 1s

    In this mockumentary, 10-year-old twin sisters Noor and Haya share their thoughts about each other. Haya expresses love and admiration for her sister. But Noor confesses that her twin drives her nuts. She also suspects that her sister is an alien and sets out to prove it.

  • Someone I Lost: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Someone I Lost

    S1 E24 - 2m 31s

    Six years after the death of his mother, Riyaz Ali recalls memories of everyday life with her, from taking family road trips together to the way she used to pick out his clothes for him. Juxtaposing his recollection of childhood with scenes from his life today as a young man in New York, Ali shares his love and grief in this elegiac tribute.

  • Comfort-Ability: asset-mezzanine-16x9


    S1 E23 - 6m 6s

    What does success mean? What is happiness? These are the questions that Kamal Ahmed reflects upon after a lifetime of hard work with his hands. For many years, he was a janitor at a large public housing complex. But now pain from arthritis keeps him from working. In this loving portrait of her father, Primi Akhtar shares his wisdom and her hopes for him.

  • The Mental Game: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    The Mental Game

    S1 E22 - 13m 29s

    “It takes more than just strength to be a fighter,” says 14-year-old Abdullah Davis. “You have to have a certain level of heart to do the sport.” Abdullah and his older brother Muhammad train and compete in martial arts. In this documentary, the two boys and their grandfather Bill, a Vietnam War veteran, contemplate the mental perseverance it takes to succeed in a fight — and in life.

  • Amna Means Peace: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Amna Means Peace

    S1 E21 - 2m 55s

    In this lighthearted comedy, Amna keeps annoying her older sister Rafaha with declarations about changing the world. When Amna says she’s going to stop global warming and promote equal rights, Rafaha says, “good luck with that.” But Amna proves her cynical sister wrong by showing her that you’re never too young to care.

Extras + Features

  • Muslim Youth Voices | Overview: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Muslim Youth Voices | Overview

    2m 23s

    Muslim Youth Voices presents stories that convey the richness and diversity of Muslim Americans. Over the course of three summers, 44 youth from 6 cities were given the essential tools to tell their own stories on their own terms. The workshops resulted in short films, amplifying these young people’s voices, and illuminating the many identities and experiences of youth and Muslim life in America.

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Indie Films