The Future of Computing: Crash Course Computer Science #40
In the past 70 years electronic computing has fundamentally changed how we live our lives, and we believe it’s just getting started. From ubiquitous computing, artificial intelligence, and self-driving cars to brain computer interfaces, wearable computers, and maybe even the singularity there is so much amazing potential on the horizon.
Software Engineering: Crash Course Computer Science #16
S1 E16 - 10m 22s
Today, we’re going to talk about how HUGE programs with millions of lines of code like Microsoft Office are built. Programs like these are way too complicated for a single person, but instead require teams of programmers using the tools and best practices that form the discipline of Software Engineering. We'll talk about how large programs are typically broken up into into function units that are
Alan Turing: Crash Course Computer Science #15
S1 E15 - 12m 51s
Today we’re going to take a step back from programming and discuss the person who formulated many of the theoretical concepts that underlie modern computation - the father of computer science himself: Alan Turing. Now normally we try to avoid “Great Man" history in Crash Course because truthfully all milestones in humanity are much more complex than just an individual or through a single lens.
Data Structures: Crash Course Computer Science #14
S1 E14 - 10m 6s
Today we’re going to talk about on how we organize the data we use on our devices. You might remember last episode we walked through some sorting algorithms, but skipped over how the information actually got there in the first place! And it is this ability to store and access information in a structured and meaningful way that is crucial to programming. From strings, pointers, and nodes, to heaps,
Intro to Algorithms: Crash Course Computer Science #13
S1 E13 - 11m 30s
Algorithms are the sets of steps necessary to complete computation - they are at the heart of what our devices actually do. And this isn’t a new concept. Since the development of math itself algorithms have been needed to help us complete tasks more efficiently, but today we’re going to take a look a couple modern computing problems like sorting and graph search, and show how we’ve made them more
Programming Basics: Statements & Functions: Crash Course Computer Science #12
S1 E12 - 11m 35s
Today, Carrie Anne is going to start our overview of the fundamental building blocks of programming languages. We’ll start by creating small programs for our very own video game to show how statements and functions work. We aren’t going to code in a specific language, but we’ll show you how conditional statements like IF and ELSE statements, WHILE loops, and FOR loops control the flow of programs
The First Programming Languages: Crash Course Computer Science #11
S1 E11 - 10m 56s
So we ended last episode with programming at the hardware level with things like plugboards and huge panels of switches, but what was really needed was a more versatile way to program computers - software!
Early Programming: Crash Course Computer Science #10
S1 E10 - 9m 4s
Since Joseph Marie Jacquard’s textile loom in 1801, there has been a demonstrated need to give our machines instructions. In the last few episodes, our instructions were already in our computer’s memory, but we need to talk about how they got there - this is the heart of programming. Today, we’re going to look at the history of programming.
Advanced CPU Designs: Crash Course Computer Science #9
S1 E9 - 12m
So now that we’ve built and programmed our very own CPU, we’re going to take a step back and look at how CPU speeds have rapidly increased from just a few cycles per second to gigahertz! Some of that improvement, of course, has come from faster and more efficient transistors, but a number hardware designs have been implemented to boost performance.
Instructions & Programs: Crash Course Computer Science #8
S1 E8 - 10m 14s
Take the 2017 PBS Digital Studios Survey: Today we’re going to take our first baby steps from hardware into software! Using that CPU we built last episode we’re going to run some instructions and walk you through how a program operates on the machine level. We'll show you how different programs can be used to perform different tasks, and how software can unlock
The Central Processing Unit (CPU): Crash Course Computer Sci #7
S1 E7 - 11m 15s
Take the 2017 PBS Digital Studios Survey: Today we’re going to build the ticking heart of every computer - the Central Processing Unit or CPU. The CPU’s job is to execute the programs we know and love - you know like GTA V, Slack... and Power Point. To make our CPU we’ll bring in our ALU and RAM we made in the previous two episodes and then with the help of Car
Registers and RAM: Crash Course Computer Science #6
S1 E6 - 12m 7s
Take the 2017 PBS Digital Studios Survey: Today we’re going to create memory! Using the basic logic gates we discussed in episode 3 we can build a circuit that stores a single bit of information, and then through some clever scaling (and of course many new levels of abstraction) we’ll show you how we can construct the modern random-access memory, or RAM, found
How Computers Calculate - the ALU: Crash Course Computer Science #5
S1 E5 - 11m 9s
Take the 2017 PBS Digital Studios Survey: Today we're going to talk about a fundamental part of all modern computers. The thing that basically everything else uses - the Arithmetic and Logic Unit (or the ALU). The ALU may not have to most exciting name, but it is the mathematical brain of a computer and is responsible for all the calculations your computer does
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