
54m 39s

As the urban world grows animals are displaced from land that belonged to them. From herons to humpback whales, follow the captivating stories of wild survivors.

Previews + Extras

  • Episode 3 Preview | Survivors: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Episode 3 Preview | Survivors

    S1 E3 - 30s

    As the urban world grows animals are displaced from land that belonged to them. From herons to humpback whales, follow the captivating stories of wild survivors.

  • Alligators Find New Territories on Golf Courses: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Alligators Find New Territories on Golf Courses

    S1 E3 - 1m 3s

    On the golf courses of America’s East Coast, young male alligators are forced to get out of their water hazard homes and walk the course looking for love, and a territory of their own.

  • Rats Use Their Skills to Become the Ultimate Urban Animal: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Rats Use Their Skills to Become the Ultimate Urban Animal

    S1 E3 - 1m 23s

    With a unique set of skills and abilities rats have become possibly the ultimate urban animal, able to survive in the cracks of our cities with such ease that they now live with us on every continent of the world other than Antarctica.

  • Amsterdam's Herons Find Surprising Ways to Live in the City: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Amsterdam's Herons Find Surprising Ways to Live in the City

    S1 E3 - 1m 33s

    The herons of Amsterdam have survived in its waterways for centuries, adapting to the modern city in surprising ways. Some have learnt to live by the clock and wait for closing time at the fish market, but others have struck up warm and long lived relationships with local residents.

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