As the urban world grows animals are displaced from land that belonged to them. From herons to humpback whales, follow the captivating stories of wild survivors.
S1 E3 - 54m 39s
As the urban world grows animals are displaced from land that belonged to them. From herons to humpback whales, follow the captivating stories of wild survivors.
S1 E2 - 54m 15s
In a modern migration, animals travel in and out of cities to find food, shelter or to start a family. See if the secret to success in a fast-changing world is commuting.
S1 E1 - 53m 30s
From pythons in Bangkok to otters in Singapore, cities may seem unlikely havens for wildlife, but for animals able to adapt, the urban world is filled with opportunity.
Extras + Features
Capuchin Monkeys in Costa Rica Play Tourists for Food
S1 E3 - 47s
On Costa Rica’s Pacific Coast, native capuchin monkeys use their brains to relieve innocent tourists of their food, but it's not a natural behavior, and one that could end badly for the monkeys.
Amsterdam's Herons Find Surprising Ways to Live in the City
S1 E3 - 1m 33s
The herons of Amsterdam have survived in its waterways for centuries, adapting to the modern city in surprising ways. Some have learnt to live by the clock and wait for closing time at the fish market, but others have struck up warm and long lived relationships with local residents.
Alligators Find New Territories on Golf Courses
S1 E3 - 1m 3s
On the golf courses of America’s East Coast, young male alligators are forced to get out of their water hazard homes and walk the course looking for love, and a territory of their own.
Episode 3 Preview | Survivors
S1 E3 - 30s
As the urban world grows animals are displaced from land that belonged to them. From herons to humpback whales, follow the captivating stories of wild survivors.
Rats Use Their Skills to Become the Ultimate Urban Animal
S1 E3 - 1m 23s
With a unique set of skills and abilities rats have become possibly the ultimate urban animal, able to survive in the cracks of our cities with such ease that they now live with us on every continent of the world other than Antarctica.
Hippos Travel Into Town for an Easy Meal
S1 E2 - 1m 31s
Each night one-ton hippos travel into St. Lucia, South Africa from the nearby river, and they are after just one thing: grass. A hippo can eat up to 90 pounds in a single sitting.
Water Monitors Go Underground to Commute Across Bangkok
S1 E2 - 1m 12s
Giant water monitors have a colossal appetite and are always on the hunt for food. To maintain a low profile they go underground and take to the sewers to commute across Bangkok.
Ibex Males Fight Over a Love Interest
S1 E2 - 1m 51s
An adult male Ibex fights a young pretender over a love interest in Mitzpe Ramon, Israel. It’s an important lesson on the road to maturity for the young pretender. Point made, the adult climbs on top of a parked car to let off some steam.
Episode 2 Preview | Commuters
S1 E2 - 30s
In a modern migration, animals travel in and out of cities to find food, shelter or to start a family. See if the secret to success in a fast-changing world is commuting.
A Waddle of Penguins Head Into Cape Town
S1 E2 - 1m 29s
A waddle of penguins returning from a fishing trip head into the city of Cape Town at rush hour to find their nests. In the sea they are at risk of attack by great white sharks, but in the city they face something potentially more dangerous – cars.
The Largest Long-Eared Owl Roost in the World
S1 E1 - 1m 41s
750 long-eared owls are thriving in the shelter of Kikinda town square, Serbia in what is by far the largest long-eared owl roost in the world.
Flying Foxes Rehydrate in Adelaide’s River Torrens
S1 E1 - 1m 45s
At risk of dehydration as temperatures reach a searing 109 degrees, grey-headed flying foxes grab a lifesaving drink from Adelaide’s River Torrens.
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