Physics Girl

The Most Mysterious Object in the Universe

Physics Girl astrophysics series - Brown Dwarfs are among the most recently observed objects in the universe. They have at MOST 8% the mass of the Sun. The lower mass boundary is not known! So they are halfway between stars and gas giant planets. Astrophysicist Daniella Bardalez Gagliuffi sits down with Dianna Cowern to discuss the latest research and the history of Brown Dwarfs.

The Most Mysterious Object in the Universe

6m 35s

Physics Girl astrophysics series - Brown Dwarfs are among the most recently observed objects in the universe. They have at MOST 8% the mass of the Sun. The lower mass boundary is not known! So they are halfway between stars and gas giant planets. Astrophysicist Daniella Bardalez Gagliuffi sits down with Dianna Cowern to discuss the latest research and the history of Brown Dwarfs.

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