State Dept. official: If Putin wins, tyrants will get hungry

7m 54s

The Biden administration unveiled a new set of sanctions against Russia to punish it further for the full-scale invasion of Ukraine that it started two years ago. The sanctions are also meant to target Russia for the death of anti-corruption activist and politician Alexei Navalny. Geoff Bennett spoke with U.S. Undersecretary for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland about the state of the war.

Previews + Extras

  • Ukrainian describes joining fight against Russian invasion: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Ukrainian describes joining fight against Russian invasion

    S2024 E55 - 5m 58s

    Ukraine finds itself in a bloody stalemate on the frozen plains of the country's east and south, now two years into Russia's full scale invasion. With forces taking immense losses throughout the war, many are answering calls to protect their nation, and joining up. Nick Schifrin and filmmaker Amanda Bailly in Kyiv introduce us to one of them. A warning, the images in this story are graphic.

  • Boyfriend discusses arrest of Russian-American woman: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Boyfriend discusses arrest of Russian-American woman

    S2024 E55 - 5m

    A Russian-American dual citizen who's been living and working in Los Angeles has been detained in Russia accused of treason and fundraising for Ukraine. Ksenia Karelina was in Russia visiting her family when she was arrested. Her boyfriend, Chris Van Heerden, is pleading for help and joined Geoff Bennett to discuss the latest.

  • The dangers of parents sharing children's lives online: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    The dangers of parents sharing children's lives online

    S2024 E55 - 6m 19s

    A new investigation looks at the disturbing world of so-called "kidfluencers" and the moms who run their accounts. One in three preteens say being an influencer is a career goal, but the reality poses serious risks to underage girls. Stephanie Sy discussed those concerns with New York Times reporter Michael Keller.

  • Haley struggles to close gap ahead of home-state primary: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Haley struggles to close gap ahead of home-state primary

    S2024 E55 - 6m 27s

    South Carolinians head to the polls Saturday in the state’s Republican primary race. South Carolina is often seen as a bellwether with its first-in-the-South contest, and Nikki Haley has spent more money and time on the ground in her home state than former President Trump. But as Lisa Desjardins reports, it's Trump that maintains a strong hold on the electorate there.

  • Biden working to regain support of disillusioned voters: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Biden working to regain support of disillusioned voters

    S2024 E55 - 5m 9s

    Next week, Michigan primary voters may send a warning signal to President Biden. From the economy to abortion rights to the war in Gaza, the issues animating Democratic voters continue to shift in the lead up to the 2024 election. White House Correspondent Laura Barrón-López reports.

  • Brooks and Capehart on the partisan battle over Ukraine aid: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Brooks and Capehart on the partisan battle over Ukraine aid

    S2024 E55 - 10m 8s

    New York Times columnist David Brooks and Washington Post associate editor Jonathan Capehart join Amna Nawaz to discuss the week in politics as Ukraine marks two years of war with Russia, American support for aid to the country is wavering on partisan battle lines and Biden's potential moves on immigration policy.

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