
Blank on Blank

Vintage interview tapes. New animations. Our mission is simple: curate and transforms journalists' unheard interviews with American icons. The future of journalism is remixing the past.

Stevie Wonder on Keys of Life

5m 21s

"If God didn‘t want me to sing it, he wouldn‘t have given me the talent to do it“ - Stevie Wonder in 2005


  • Carl Sagan on Extraterrestrials: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Carl Sagan on Extraterrestrials

    S1 E62 - 4m 50s

    "A literal reading of the Bible simply is a mistake; I mean it’s just wrong" - Carl Sagan on October 4, 1985, as told to Studs Terkel.

  • Richard Feynman on What It Means: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Richard Feynman on What It Means

    S1 E61 - 5m 31s

    "The key was somehow to know what was important and what was not important, what was exciting, because I can’t learn everything." - Richard Feynman in 1966

  • Buckminster Fuller on The Geodesic Life: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Buckminster Fuller on The Geodesic Life

    S1 E60 - 5m 46s

    "I must reorganize the environment of man by which then greater numbers of men can prosper." - Buckminster Fuller in 1965, as told to Studs Terkel

  • Dame Stephanie Shirley on Survival Code: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Dame Stephanie Shirley on Survival Code

    S1 E59 - 4m 43s

    "I have to make my life worth saving, and each day you spend as if it would be your last" - Dame Stephanie Shirley in 2010 from an oral history at the British Library.

  • Jane Goodall on Instinct: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Jane Goodall on Instinct

    S1 E58 - 5m 42s

    "Animals were my passion from even before I could speak apparently. When I was about 10, 11 I fell in love with Tarzan" - Jane Goodall, as told to Ira Flatow in 2002

  • Temple Grandin On Her Search Engine: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Temple Grandin On Her Search Engine

    S1 E57 - 4m 31s

    "Everything in my mind works like a search engine set for the image function." - Temple Grandin in 2008, from an oral history at Colorado State University

  • Frank Lloyd Wright on Arrogance: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Frank Lloyd Wright on Arrogance

    S1 E56 - 5m 22s

    “Any man who really has faith in himself will be dubbed arrogant by his fellows” - Frank Lloyd Wright in 1957, as told to Mike Wallace

  • Sally Ride on Dumb Questions: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Sally Ride on Dumb Questions

    S1 E55 - 6m 9s

    “I wish that there had been another woman on my flight. I think it would have been a lot easier.” - Sally Ride in 1983. Interviewed by Gloria Steinem.

  • Garrison Keillor on Humor: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Garrison Keillor on Humor

    S1 E54 - 5m 43s

    “My family was shocked when I came home with a volume of Hemingway … There was a price to be paid for being interested in fiction.” - Garrison Keillor in 1994

  • Nina Simone on Shock: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Nina Simone on Shock

    S1 E53 - 5m 23s

    "I feel more alive now than I ever have in my life. I have a chance to live, as I've dreamed." - Nina Simone in July, 1968. Lilian Terry had a national radio show in Italy--everyone from Ray Charles to Duke Ellington appeared on her show--and there was one person she always wanted to interview: Nina Simone.

  • Kurt Vonnegut on Man-Eating Lampreys: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Kurt Vonnegut on Man-Eating Lampreys

    S1 E52 - 5m 44s

    In November 1970, Kurt Vonnegut walked into a class room at NYU. He was a guest speaker that day. He’d prepared some handwritten notes on what he wanted to say: there were his thoughts on the art of writing, his childhood, the death of his parents.

  • Bill Murray on Being Obnoxious: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Bill Murray on Being Obnoxious

    S1 E51 - 5m 57s

    "I‘m just an obnoxious guy who can make it appear charming, that’s what they pay me to do" - Bill Murray in October 1988. T.J. English was tasked with writing a profile of Bill Murray for Irish America magazine.

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