Council Members
Carla Bascope-Hebble
Sandy Dang
Vietnam Education Foundation
Michelle Eider
Sixth & I
Charlotte Fox
International Women’s Media Foundation
Leonard L. Hamlin, Sr. (Vice Chair)
Washington National Cathedral
Ruby Lopez Harper
Craft Emergency Relief Fund (CERF+)
Bruce Hightower
Liz Hottel
Melissa Houghton
Women in Film and Video of Washington, D.C.
Daniel Kirsch
Northern Virginia Community College
Kris McLaughlin
Encore Learning
Jennifer Nycz-Conner
Kishan Putta
DC Health Link
Loren Allan Smith (Chairman)
U.S. Court of Federal Claims
Randy Showstack
Washington D.C. Pro Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists
George Williams
DC Public Library
Lisa Wolski
Vivian Yao (Vice Chair)
Montgomery County Council
Viktor Zikas
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund