A World Not Ours: I Quit


  • Fauna: asset-mezzanine-16x9


    S37 E5 - 1h 10m

    An old shepherd and his flock live alongside a high-tech laboratory for animal experimentation. Two worlds that are two sides of the same coin. While the shepherd, afflicted with a bone disease, witnesses his profession disappearing, scientists are busier than ever researching the COVID vaccine. Fauna explores the relationship between humans, animals and science in post-pandemic times.

  • Against the Tide: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Against the Tide

    S37 E4 - 1h 22m

    Mumbai fishermen Rakesh and Ganesh are inheritors of the great Koli knowledge system—a way to harvest the sea by following the moon and the tides. Rakesh has kept faith in traditional methods while Ganesh has embraced technology. Against the Tide is a tale of deep friendship and rising resentment between two men against the backdrop of an adoring sea, now turning hostile through climate change.

  • Is There Anybody Out There?: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Is There Anybody Out There?

    S37 E3 - 1h 22m

    Born with a rare disability, filmmaker Ella Glendining wonders if there is anyone who can share the experience of living in a body like hers. This simple question–one which non disabled people take for granted, leads to a journey to not only others who live like her–but to the realization that meeting them changes how she views herself in the world, as well as many surprises along the way.

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