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    The Life of Loi: Mediterranean Secrets: TVSS: Iconic

    The Life of Loi: Mediterranean Secrets

    Ode to Capt. Vassilis

    Jul 27

    30 Minutes

    The legacy of Captain Vassilis; braised chicken with fresh peasant pasta; Greek honey buns with pecans; homemade pasta with ground turkey sauce.
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    The Life of Loi: Mediterranean Secrets: TVSS: Iconic

    The Life of Loi: Mediterranean Secrets

    Comfort Food the Naxian Way

    Aug 3

    30 Minutes

    A true Naxian feast includes chicken pie and grilled tuna filet with potato salad; Naxian-inspired comfort foods.
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    The Life of Loi: Mediterranean Secrets: TVSS: Iconic

    The Life of Loi: Mediterranean Secrets

    Naxian Paradise

    Aug 10

    30 Minutes

    Classic Naxian dishes include traditional grilled squid and fish stew; dishes inspired by Naxos.

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