Episode 3 Preview | The Surprise Salmon


  • Pioneers of the Deep: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Pioneers of the Deep

    S1 E6 - 52m 55s

    In the vast emptiness of the Pacific Ocean, tectonic movements construct or swallow islands. In the Tongan archipelago, two little-known animals have learned to cope with these ephemeral lands risen from the ocean depths: the sooty tern, a seabird that never dares wet its wings for fear of drowning, and the Alvin shrimp, a blind crustacean that manages to find its way around the abyss.

  • Ash Runners: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Ash Runners

    S1 E5 - 52m 54s

    On the volcanic island of New-Britain off the coast of Papua New Guinea, a handful of animals have learned to live with the Earth’s moods. When ash from a volcanic eruption invades their habitat, the choice is simple: leave or stay and adapt. In truth, it’s not that easy, since volcanoes and their actions are unpredictable and each creature responds in its own way.

  • Phoenix Temple: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Phoenix Temple

    S1 E4 - 52m 55s

    Around the Masaya Volcano in Nicaragua, life has struggled for thousands of years to re-emerge from the ashes. Underground, vampire and other bat species have colonized the miles of tunnels created by hot flowing magma. In the crater, parakeets and vultures have made nests on cliffs exposed to toxic gases. On the flanks of this still active mountain, the vegetation has been burnt away by lava.

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