Indie Alaska

After serving time, this cook now serves the night owls of Anchorage | INDIE ALASKA

Ricky Vazquez is a proud Puerto Rican who rarely slows down. After spending almost a decade in incarcerated, he doesn't like to get bored. These days he prefers the adrenaline of the busy Saturday night rush at one of Anchorage's most beloved historic taverns.

After serving time, this cook now serves the night owls of Anchorage | INDIE ALASKA

3m 37s

  • How to heal your soil on an island covered in volcanic ash | INDIE ALASKA: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    How to heal your soil on an island covered in volcanic ash | INDIE ALASKA

    S13 E5 - 11m 29s

    Marion Owen first observed the many benefits of gardening by watching her mom as a child. Today, Marion lives in Kodiak, Alaska where she is learning how to repair the island's dense, ashy soil through the power of compost to grow the garden paradise of her dreams.

    INDIE ALASKA is an original video series produced by Alaska Public Media in partnership with PBS Digital Studios.

  • What Medieval Calligraphy taught this Eagle River Lawyer | INDIE ALASKA: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    What Medieval Calligraphy taught this Eagle River Lawyer | INDIE ALASKA

    S13 E4 - 8m 57s

    Greg Henrikson, a lawyer in Eagle River, became fascinated with Medieval History and delved into medieval calligraphy for the Historic Recrudescence Guild (HRG), a Medieval Re-enactment group. The HRG sets up a medieval village annually at the Three Barons Renaissance Fair in Anchorage, Alaska. Greg initially thought it would be easy, but soon realized he was mistaken.

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