Genealogy Roadshow

Voter Rolls and Church Records

Was your ancestor registered to vote in California? If so, then find out how voter rolls can help. Was your ancestor born at home? Church records can be key.

Voter Rolls and Church Records


  • Best of Genealogy Roadshow: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Best of Genealogy Roadshow

    S2 E7 - 53m 40s

    Enjoy the most intriguing stories selected from both seasons of the series. From immigrant voyages and famous ancestors to murder mysteries and family connections, the episode revisits the journeys in cities across the country as people uncover their family histories.

  • Philadelphia - Historical Society of Pennsylvania: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Philadelphia - Historical Society of Pennsylvania

    S2 E5 - 53m 40s

    One woman’s ancestor may have sparked historic labor laws; a pastor may have an outlaw in her family tree; a woman learns about slave genealogy and – with the help of DNA testing – gets the answer she has waited for; and another woman learns her ancestor may have helped others escape the Holocaust.

  • St. Louis - Union Station: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    St. Louis - Union Station

    S2 E2 - 53m 40s

    At St. Louis’ historic Union Station, genealogists uncover fascinating family stories. A musician hopes to find connections to a famous St. Louis jazz composer; two sisters explore links to a survivor of the legendary Donner party; an Italian-American woman finds out if she is related to royalty; and a schoolteacher who has all the answers for her students has very few about her own past.

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