The Land of the Snow and Ice
Sami reindeer herders and modern conservationists are teaming up in a bid to save one of Europe’s wildest frontiers. Through ice and snow, the link between man and wild is being reforged.
The Land of the Snow and Ice
S1 E3 - 48m 29s
Sami reindeer herders and modern conservationists are teaming up in a bid to save one of Europe’s wildest frontiers. Through ice and snow, the link between man and wild is being reforged.
Europe's Amazon
S1 E4 - 48m 29s
The Danube is the largest preserved wetland on the continent, a sanctuary for thousands of species -many are the last of their kind. Conservationists are working to preserve and restore these precious habitats before it’s too late.
Extras + Features
The Arctic Fox
S1 E3 - 3m 23s
The Arctic fox's brilliant white fur has made it a target for hunters. As a result, the arctic fox population plummeted to as few as 50. Today, there’s hope for the arctic fox.
How Reindeer Have Used Frozen Rivers for Migration
S1 E3 - 2m 5s
Reindeer have been using frozen rivers as a pass way for thousands of years. However, many of these waterways have been impacted by man, making them extremely dangerous now.
Episode 3 Preview | The Land of the Snow and Ice
S1 E3 - 30s
Sami reindeer herders and modern conservationists are teaming up in a bid to save one of Europe’s wildest frontiers. Through ice and snow, the link between man and wild is being reforged.
An Abandoned Baby Reindeer
S1 E3 - 2m 29s
Feeling the strong pull of migration, a mother leaves her born-too-soon baby behind. Near impossible to survive on its own in the wild, the newborn is given a second chance.
Ermakov Island
S1 E4 - 2m 45s
With dikes removed, nature came back to life on Ermakov Island. With nature taking control, plants returned, fish and birds followed in huge numbers, and insects started to flourish.
The Delta's Pelican Colony
S1 E4 - 2m 50s
Made up of more than 18,500 birds, this pelican mega-colony is the Danube Delta’s largest. The Delta offers more than fish; it also provides the pelicans a pristine habitat.
Episode 4 Preview | Europe's Amazon
S1 E4 - 30s
The Danube is the largest preserved wetland on the continent, a sanctuary for thousands of species - many are the last of their kind. Conservationists are working to preserve and restore these precious habitats before it’s too late.
The Danube Delta’s Fen Raft Spider
S1 E4 - 2m 33s
Meet the fen raft spider. It can stay underwater for up to 30 minutes but surfaces when it’s time to hunt. It uses surface tension of the water to pick up vibrations to catch its dinner.
Europe's Wild Boar
S1 E2 - 2m 17s
The wild boar will eat almost anything, even tree bark. It’s one of the reasons they are widely spread and abundant throughout Europe.
Episode 2 Preview | Return of the Titans
S1 E2 - 30s
In Europe’s Carpathian mountains, the introduction of bison is helping numerous other species to thrive, while just beyond this mountainous region, gray wolves are staging an astonishing return.
The Eurasian Lynx
S1 E2 - 2m 13s
Two Eurasian lynx cubs are closely watched by their mother as they grow and play.
The European Bison
S1 E2 - 2m
Rarer than the white rhino, there are now around 7,000 wild and captive European bison. After their numbers dwindled, 12 were carefully bred in order to keep the gene line going.
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