
Color and Light

Explore the story of light and color in art - both in the search for greater realism and spiritual ecstasy. Journey from Gothic cathedrals and Indian courtly painting to modern art.

Color and Light

52m 44s

Explore the story of light and color in art - both in the search for greater realism and spiritual ecstasy. Journey from Gothic cathedrals and Indian courtly painting to modern art.

Previews + Extras

  • Color and Light: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Episode 7 Preview | Color and Light

    S1 E7 - 30s

    Explore the story of light and color in art - both in the search for greater realism and spiritual ecstasy. Journey from Gothic cathedrals and Indian courtly painting to modern art.

  • Three Aspects of the Absolute: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Three Aspects of the Absolute

    S1 E7 - 2m 8s

    Out of the absolute of Hindu metaphysics comes the nearest visualisation you can get to of a trance.

  • Goya's Harmony and Chaos: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Goya's Harmony and Chaos

    S1 E7 - 2m 7s

    In his 60s, Goya abandoned his role as court artist to bare witness to the irrational forces unleashed by Napoleon's invasion of Spain.

  • Japan's 18th Century Commercial Art Revitalizes Color: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Japan's 18th Century Commercial Art Revitalizes Color

    S1 E7 - 1m 53s

    Ukiyo-e began with only a few colors, but combined them in increasingly sophisticated ways to create vivid depictions of a rapidly growing urban life. Wildly popular in all its forms, it demonstrated that every day transitory objects could be considered art.

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