WETA Program Submission Summary Form

Submitter information

Contact Information

Project information

Please upload concept videos, documents with background, project decks, individual bio, and supporting materials here.
Please select the genre that best describes your work.


Using the file upload option below, please share any secured and pending funding entities (organization or individual), award year, and award amount for your program. 

NOTE: If a project moves forward for additional consideration, submitters will be asked to provide additional funder details including, but not limited to, the items listed below, and final acceptance is contingent on the satisfactory evaluation of all funders. Please use the PBS Funding Standards & Practices as a guide.

  • Funder’s legal name and physical address, as well as web address if available.
  • Amount of financing provided by the funder and its percentage of the content’s total production budget.
  • Description of any relationship between the funder and the content’s subject matter, the production process,or the filmmakers.
  • Any arrangements by the funder for ownership or control of the content’s copyright or ancillary rights andproducts, such as online program distribution rights or foreign distribution rights.
  • Any arrangements by the funder for the provision of in-kind goods and services or any other considerations.
This includes funds for R&D, production, and activities around the project.

Previous work and project samples