Ruby Goyal Aggarwal joined WETA in 2022. In her role as executive vice president and chief finance and administrative officer, she heads the financial operations of WETA and its subsidiary News Hour Productions LLC. Aggarwal also oversees technology and production operations as well as building and facilities operations. Additionally, she provides executive-level fiscal, strategic and operational counsel for the flagship public media station in the nation’s capital. Aggarwal reports to WETA President and Chief Executive Officer Sharon Percy Rockefeller.
Prior to her work at WETA, Aggarwal spent a decade at O’Connor Consulting Services, where she provided high-level consulting to nonprofit organizations ranging in size from $5 million to $500 million. Aggarwal led board-literacy training, 990 and audit preparation, finance department assessments, internal control assessments, endowment reconciliations and process documentation. Previously, she ran her own consulting firm and worked in finance at media organizations including PBS; Fox Television Stations, Inc.; and NewsChannel8. Aggarwal is a licensed CPA and CGMA, and she earned her BS in accounting with a minor in business administration from the University of Maryland.