
Deep Thinkers | Spy in the Ocean

Spy creatures reveal an ocean full of startling ways of thinking, including large-brained whales, smart octopi, diving monkeys, creative fish and other intelligent animals.

Deep Thinkers | Spy in the Ocean

53m 25s

Spy creatures reveal an ocean full of startling ways of thinking, including large-brained whales, smart octopi, diving monkeys, creative fish and other intelligent animals.

Previews + Extras

  • Preview of Spy in the Ocean: Deep Thinkers: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Preview of Spy in the Ocean: Deep Thinkers

    S42 E2 - 30s

    Spy creatures reveal an ocean full of startling ways of thinking, including large-brained whales, smart octopi, diving monkeys, creative fish and other intelligent animals.

  • Spy Octopus Helps Friend Hide From Shark: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Spy Octopus Helps Friend Hide From Shark

    S42 E2 - 3m 3s

    Coconut octopuses are vulnerable to blacktip sharks, who use smell to find prey. With the help of an unlikely ally, this octopus is able to hide from hungry sharks.

  • Pufferfish Builds Sand Sculpture for Mating: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Pufferfish Builds Sand Sculpture for Mating

    S42 E2 - 2m 49s

    Male Japanese pufferfish build exquisite sand sculptures to attract a mate. When a female is not impressed with this male's creation, Spy Puffer steps in as the artist’s assistant.

  • How Hermit Crabs Choose Their Shells: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    How Hermit Crabs Choose Their Shells

    S42 E2 - 2m 54s

    In Belize, hermit crabs have outgrown their homes, or their shells have become worse for wear. To find out how they resolve their housing issues, Spy Hermit Crab goes undercover.

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